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Meet our Magnificent Makers

Little Inventors wants children to open their eyes to the world of invention and creativity. But beyond the invention drawings, there is a unique opportunity for children and makers, designers and artists to come together and collaborate to bring children’s imagination to life.

By taking children’s ideas seriously and presenting them in a professional manner through collaboration with skilled makers, we will help showcase children’s original ideas, perspectives and voices.

We also want to challenge the skills and experience of adult makers, and encourage them to push beyond their own limits by engaging with the highly imaginative and unhindered minds of young children.

Do you make things?
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Download our maker's resource pack full of helpful tips and hints for selecting, creating and documenting your making process.

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عجمان, جمهورية مصر العربية, United Arab Emirates

خريجة كلية الفنون الجميله - عضو هيئة تدريس بجامعة اسيوط كلية الفنون الجميلة _ حاصلة على دكتوراة الفلسفة فى الفنون _ استاذ مشارك بالمملكة العربية السعوديه جامعة الطائف _ كلية الاقتصاد والتصاميم عام ٢٠١٦ _ استاذ الخزف بمؤسسة الشارقة للفنون عام ٢٠١٧ حتى تاريخه 
قمت بعمل العديد من المعارض الشخصيه. والمشاركات الجماعية _ حاصلة عل عدة دروع وجوائز وشهادات تقدير _ شاركت فى بينالى الخزف الدولى_ وبينالى الشارقة للطفل ٢٠١٨ - قدمت العديد من الورش الفنيه لعدة جهات  _ حاصلة على شهادة اليونيسكو فى الفنون من روما ارت فير ٢٠١٤

Horgen, Zurich, Switzerland

I worked on medical products, across transportation design (Zurich Tram), skis, hearing aids to user interface design (the awesome Polar Baer for Amphiro ;-). Being creative is so much more than hobby and yet still too often left out in so many fields. I worked for a big agency and we did design strategy consulting with them to get that 'out of the box' thinking. Creativity is key.I would like to put up some project weeks maybe in schools. I'd like to help the kids to have joy with their creativity and to let that skill grow.

Brooklyn, NY, US

Hi, there! I'm a maker and designer working at the intersection of craft, invention, and social interaction. Materials and people are my passions, and I believe everyday inanimate objects are just as important as digital tools for bringing people together. If I can't get into a workshop to build things, I'll find ways to tinker around my apartment. I've always got scraps of things laying around waiting to be used.

Cairo, Middle East, Egypt

Hello! I am a maker/stop motion artist based in Cairo, Egypt. My background is Product design and I love combining animation and product design together. My workshop consists of hundreds of products that I collect from scrap markets, take apart and make something new from it. I love making people see things differently and challenge them to see endless possibilities for what an object can become.

Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany

47 years old - married with a 9 year old son - asking millions of questions! Trying not to answer them myself, but finding the answers together through experiments!

Part of the ScienceLab e.V. association - Helping kids from 6 to 12 to explore the secrets of nature and physics.

Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK

I am the editor of AQUILA children's magazine, and I design a lot of our makes under the name Hi-lo Piccolo.

1 brought to life
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I am 9 years old. I have participated in 27 hackathons so far.  I won the Canadian Space Apps Challenge 2017 and was in Global 25 in 2018 NASA Space Apps Challenge.

I am the co-founder of HotPopRobot which brings projects on space and science to the NextGen. I am the Youth Committee Member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

I have made over 25+ space projects which have been displayed at Maker Festival Toronto, Ontario Science Centre, Toronto International Film Festival, MakerExpo, Science Rendezvous, MakerFest (Delhi) and other places.

I am bilingual in French and English.

1 brought to life
Dorchester, Dorset, UK

Laurence and Angela are well-known for their witty, beautifully crafted miniature automata, which continue to not only delight dolls-house enthusiasts but also have a large following in their own right, most automata are available as framed versions to put on your wall. They also craft perfect miniature replicas of Victorian and Edwardian household ephemera, from the very high-end Gent's shaving stand for use by the Lord of the manor, to brushes, kitchen implements and needles threaded with cotton.

4 brought to life
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

I love to paint and make quirky illustrations.  I also scupt using clay, and some non traditional materials such as paper mache and also cement.  I often make characters that tell stories from a lightly surreal perspective. Problem solving and translating an image into a 3D object makes me excited.  I sew original stuffed creatures with painted faces, and am known at home for (usually) being able to fix things, or at least make them more beautiful.  Working with my hands, getting them messy, getting out my tools and my paintbrushes is what makes me excited.

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