This idea has been brought to life
Even though Jessica is one of the youngest Pioneers she has still come up with a big idea. The Rubby Glovey Frictionator creates sustainable energy by rubbing the plate to generate energy. The invention has been brought to life as an animation with Jessica collaborating with animator Gary Pogue.
Maker blog entries
I have been working on the design of the friction balls. It's been tough trying to decide how big, how many and what colour to make them! I loved the fun bright colours of the balls on the prototype Jessica made, so I have tried to combine the drawing with the prototype adding little details also. Jessica said she liked the idea of the main part of the gloves being the classic marigold washing up gloves which I thought was great too so I have kept that part the same.
Today I have made some progress on the frictionator. we can now start to see what it would look like in real life! I have installed the power indicator lights and energy track.
Over the past few days I have been working on the animation for inside the energy track!
the idea is that we get the feeling of being part of the electricity made from the frictionator zooming around the energy track in a spiral. it should feel really high speed and there will be lots of sounds to bring the atmosphere to life.
today I have been exploring more about what the Rubby gloves may look like if they were a real world product. I feel I have got the rubber material looking really nice for the friction balls.
In addition to this I have been looking at what the charger plate may look like and explored the materials it could be made out of. I feel this would look a little more polished like an apple device as it will be connected to phones and tablet etc.
So far I have been making a few mood boards for each asset that I need to make.
I have mainly focused on the rubber glove model and explored what the friction ball may look like.