Food Transfer 2023
This idea has been brought to life
Mathew's ingenious invention creates energy whilst keeping your pet hamster happy and healthy. As the hamster runs on the wheel it generates energy and moves a car around a track to collect food and take it to the hamster, keeping the hamster exercised, fed and motivated! Mathew was inspired by some of his favourite cartoons.
Maker blog entries
The Food Transfer 2032 is now up and running. I've animated the hamsters wheel and attached it to a generator that will power the cars! Mathews invention will enable the hamster to drive his food to himself for as long as they keep the wheel turning.
The wheel has been set up in 3D software Blender which is a great open source (FREE!!) tool for modelling new ideas and getting them moving.
Here is the 3D Model of the track for the hamsters car. The Hamster will have to put some effort in to get his food delivered to his wheel.
I’ve been sketching out my initial interpretation from Mathews drawing.
Mathews idea has led me to thinking about the way the food will be dropped onto the cars and shipped to the hamster. My idea for this is to use a hamster tube (like what they’d run through) but the food will be sucked through the tube to place onto each car for it to be taken to the hamster.
I’m also sketching ideas for the cars to be able to flip the food at the hamster as the car passes his wheel so that the busy little guy can just keep going while he eats.