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Max Grigor

Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
1 working on

Job role:Edinburgh Napier 1st year Product design student


Edinburgh Napier 1st year Product design student

Recent blog entries

Finalised Product and Poster
Posted about Mister cleaner by Faridah

Our final design photographed next to our poster.

Finalised Poster
Posted about Mister cleaner by Faridah

This was our final poster with the improvements we made based on the previous draft poster.

Posted about Mister cleaner by Faridah

This was the first draft of our poster for “Mister Cleaner”. After taking feedback from our group leader we edited it and changed the different features. We made the text with our names larger and more visible. Instead of having the product as a collection of shapes we took an image of the design itself and used it in its place.  We also decluttered the poster by removing some of the animals and making them all one size. As well as this we also made the images of the pollution more of a cartoon look in order to match the rest of the poster.

Ideas brought to life