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food cooler fork

Age 6Sunderland, UK

This idea has been brought to life

Invention idea by Ameliya Liddle aged 6, recreated in 3D graphics by Andy Mattocks.

“Food cooler by a fork and a fan put together. It cools your food.” Ameliya Liddle

The young inventor met with professional 3D product designer Andy Mattocks who asked Ameliya further questions about her design and how it worked. He then went away and produced a series of computer generated 3D visuals of the invention as shown here.

“The concept was for a fork that could be used when you food was hot. When you press the button cool air would be drawn through handle and out over the hot food to make it more suitable to eat. Although the fan is intended to be made from rubber to prevent injury, a safety cage covers the fan. The colours are as specified by the client.” Andy Mattocks