Convenient Bike Planter (CBP)
This idea has been brought to life
Melody's Convenient Bike Planter was brought to life via a digital 3D render by Andres Torres from Canada.
Maker blog entries
Final adjustments. keeping the original idea as closest as possible.
The C.B.P comes to life in a fresh 3d model.
The GREAT ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION to fight against global warming and also the best way to do it, doing exercise while planting trees ! isnt it great?
It was so amazing to know the great inventor Melody, we talked about how she gets to invent the C.B.P and also how was her process of thinking to come up with such an interesting idea and incredibly useful to exercise ourselves and at the same time add lungs to the planet which urgently need that us, we as human beings, we must take care of our planet and do something about the global warming problem like planting trees with the distinguish C.B.P
One of the good things about the meeting was getting to adjust the last details where actually we decide and agree to make some modifications in some elements of the C.B.P to make it more effective and powerfull.
She gave me some great direction on some extra little finishing touches and I propposed some little details tha finally we will see in the final 3d model of the great Convenient Bike Planter (CBP)
Sketching is important to be able to understand the things we imagine, when we do the exercise of translating our thoughts into drawings we have the possibility of exploring new possibilities of what we create and we can complement our ideas to make them much more forceful