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Oyinola idowu

Scotland, UK
1 working on

Job role:Edinburgh Napier 1st year Product design student

Skills:Model making, and generating.

Edinburgh Napier 1st year Product design student

Recent blog entries

Creating the Poster
Posted about The Ocean Hover by Chloe

In the poster I wanted to make sure to that all of the Chloe's creations were showed on the design. So I placed the photo of the model in a way that it looked like it was in motion. Also including the character. It was important to me to make the poster look like it was under the sea and that is where the design was made to be.

Creating the Model
Posted about The Ocean Hover by Chloe

Creating the model was rather fun. Chloe has a really interesting shape for her design, and all the colours that she had in her design was so fun to add. Adding the strips to the model was rather difficult. As the shape was not a rectangular prism when laying on the coloured strips there were areas where it did not meet up with the same colour. But after having laid all the strips it looked quite nice. In Chloe's design she had a propeller and it was really important that I made it move. Overall I really enjoyed making this model and I like how it turned out.

Creating the Character
Posted about The Ocean Hover by Chloe

For creating the character I really wanted to keep to the original design that Chloe had created. It was important to me to keep the colors and look of the character the same to keep it fun just like how she created it.

Ideas brought to life