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Invent a Puppet Theatre for an Audience That Isn't Human

By Chloe Rodham, Animator and model-maker

Here's a challenge set by animator Chloe, there are five different activities, including making your own puppet theatre and characters, to get your creativity flowing and help you come up with an ingenious invention.

Chloe is an animator and model-maker based in Northumberland, using both digital animation and more traditional methods like stop motion. Chloe also shares her skills with others as an Associate Lecturer at Northumbria University.



Download the full set of activities to get started on this maker challenge.

Activity 1

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Sketch ideas for your theatre

Use this sheet to sketch and write ideas on where your theatre could be and who your audience is. Think about what they might need to have an enjoyable experience at your show.

Invention sheet

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Draw your theatre invention

Tell us about your invention and upload it (see below) for a chance to win a Little Inventors Book!

Activity 2

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What is your play about?

Use your imagination to dream up a play or story your audience would enjoy seeing. Is there an important message you want to get across or do you want to make them laugh?

Activity 3

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Time to get making!

Here you will find templates and step-by-step instructions to make your own puppet theatre.

Activity 4

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Who is in your play?

Now you have made your theatre and planned out your play, you need some actors, create your own characters and make into puppets.

Activity 5

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Performance time!

Perform your play for your chosen audience, you might need to make them out of card or paper too. Take a photo of your theatre and audience and share it with us by uploading it with your invention sheet, don't forget you could be selected to win a Little Inventors book.

How to enter!

You can submit more than one invention idea.

Submit invention ideas through our upload page.

  1. Draw your inventionon the Chloe Rodham Maker Challenge Activity 5
  2. Scan or photograph the *whole* sheetas straight on as possible
  3. Upload it in JPEG, PNG or GIF format (choose a file)

Each invention idea will comprise of an image of a clear drawing, the name, age and location of the inventor, the name of the invention and a description, and a contact email address.

Examples of scanned images

Not so good