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Age 21London, UK

Maker blog entries

Maya has been working on making this idea real.
Posted by Maya

week 8- change of idea & development.

Today I want to change my idea as to make a real life model of the 'YUM YUM MACHINE.' I starting to make box for the based of the project and getting all small parts objects together to form a the 'YUM YUM MACHINE.'  Today  I started to painted the box. However, there was a downfall as the box was sinking down. I tried tapes to hold it in place but did not work for the to part of the box.  As putting together my box  it was not that noticeable  I was able to make it work.

Posted by Maya

Week 7 - Formative Assessment. 

Today I had our formative Assessment with Ernie and gave me useful advice I decide to a pop out design of the whole machine was it would be easier to do and time consuming. I also sent an email to Chelsea about my blog as it was not working. I realise that I need to sign to little inventions website and waiting confirmation from the website. Whilst waiting for confirmation I start updating my blog. Due to formative I decide to make a model of the invention instead of doing roto scope as it takes too much time.

Posted by Maya

Week 5- Design & Development stage.  
Today I was confused on what I am going to do also collaborate with production design student to help with a I had a meeting with Chelsea about my idea for the invention she gave some important information on for animation which is must show the vegetable and sweets combining. 
Today I also starting rotoscoping my animation of cucumber and started to animate and colour. I also started to do 4D cinema of the model of the design which I collaborate with Tobi an editing student if the animation does not work. 

Week 6- LOGO & 3D Model 

Today starting to work on my blog on word and continued with my rotoscoping animation. And staring getting ready for formative with Ernie next week Monday. With editing my Logo for the ‘Yum Yum Machine.’

Today I starting making a 3d prototype of the model of the protype. ‘YUM YUM MACHINE.’ First off all I started off with making the main body by adding a cube and curving the edges.  I then added the tube for the sweets to pass through, I then added a bend deformer to the tube so that It was not straight.  I also Duplicated the tube for the sweets and made two more for the ingredients to be added to the machine. I made the colours by making a material that matched the picture of the drawing. How I got it to look more random than in order was by adding a gradient to the material as well as adding a turbulence effect. 

For the solid colour I just changed the colour from whit to blue in the colour section of the materials settings. A similar process was done to make the other colours that I had used for the model.

Posted by Maya

Week 3- Brainstorming & Idea . 

Today we went to ‘ Christ Church in Erith to visit the children we are making the product. For this session we was bonding with the children in firstly in groups to see if they have any idea for our theme ideas ‘ How can we make fast food healthier?’ we spent 10 minutes as a group  discussing ideas seven different ideas. After 10 minutes of discussing ideas we had to pair up with one child and develop one of their ideas which was ‘The YUM YUM MACHINE.’  As we finish that activity we present their idea into our groups. For second put of the activity is to make a model of how it could look in 3D so the child can see if they like or want to change anything. 

Week 4 
For this lesson we showed our idea to our tutor and explain to o him what was our idea  and how are we going to make it. I choose to do animation or 3D Model of the product which I collaborate with Ese an graphic design . My tutor gave some ideas if how I can make it, which was a bit difficult. I also done a storyboard of the animation to help me. I also done a mood board to help me brainstorm.

Posted by Maya

Week 1- Research Stage. 

Our first session of our cross- Elective ‘ From the Minds of Little Inventors we was introduce to the brief and what we are doing. We was put in groups of six and the first thing we did was came up with our own ideas to get everyone and discuss it in our groups. Another activity that we did  had different themes and choose one we want to focus on. 

Week 2- Research 

For this week I done more research on how we make fast food more healthier? Here is what I research and found:

How Can We Make Healthy Fast Food?

 We know that fast food is becoming a trend and is an easy access where there is an suitable budget that everyone can afford. We also known that fast food restaurants can be addicting to audiences but also is not the healthiest option. So, how can we make fast food healthier? To the point that we do not have to think what we are consuming into our bodies, to the point where the fast food is more efficient and healthier. 
Here are some points Tips for Making Healthier Fast Food Choices: Healthier fast food ordering guidelines
• Keep your eye on portion size. 
Many fast food meals deliver enough food for several meals in the guise of a single serving. Avoid supersized and value-sized items and go for the smallest size when it comes to sandwiches, burgers, and sides. You can also find more reasonable portions on the children’s menu. (Smith, M, M.A., and Robinson, L, 2019)
• Focus on grilled or roasted lean meats.
 Avoid fried and breaded items, such as crispy chicken sandwiches and breaded fish fillets. Choose turkey, chicken breast, lean ham, or lean roast beef instead. Grilled skinless chicken is usually your best bet. (Smith, M, M.A., and Robinson, L, 2019)
• Pay attention to the descriptions on the menu.
 Dishes labelled deep-fried, pan-fried, basted, batter-dipped, breaded, creamy, crispy, scalloped, or au gratin are usually high in calories, unhealthy fats, and sodium. Same with items in Alfredo or cream sauce. Smith, M, M.A., and Robinson, L, 2019)
• Don’t be afraid to special order.
 Many menu items can be made healthier with a few tweaks and substitutions. For example, you can ask to hold the sauce or dressing or serve it on the side. Or you can request a wheat bun for your hamburger or whole-grain bread for your sandwich. (Smith, M, M.A., and Robinson, L, 2019)
• Don’t assume that healthy-sounding dishes are always your best option. 
For example, many fast food salads are a diet minefield, smothered in high-fat dressing and fried toppings. This is where reading the nutrition facts before you order can make a huge difference. (Smith, M, M.A., and Robinson, L 2019)

Top 7 fast foods that are healthy 
• chipotle  
• Chick-fil-A,
• Wendy’s, 
• McDonald, Ruby Tuesday,
• The Cheesecake Factory, 
(Bjarnadottir, 2015)

Fast Food Industry Growth Statistics: Healthier, Family-Focused Menus Are a Must
‘In a single year, the fast food industry as a whole reduced overall, menu calories by 12% simply by making minor changes to the ingredients that went into their foods. Many consumers are seeking healthier fast food alternatives, but that does not mean every QSR company must switch from fried foods to salads. Instead, fast food chains should make small, incremental changes, such as eliminating artificial colouring or frying in canola, sunflower, or safflower oil instead of corn-based oil.’  (Shopkick Team, 2018)
The begin of 2017 there was the chain of mobile phone, where your favourite fast food is delivered to you. ‘Mobile is an incredibly powerful communicator for QSR brands. It’s becoming increasingly integrated into the entire purchase process, from how consumers decide where to eat to what they order and how they pay. Mobile apps are a way to reach your consumers while they’re on-the-go; i.e. in the moment that they decide to pick up dinner on the way home.’ (Shopkick Team, 2018)

‘Just 7 percent of people think McDonald's have the best beef burger - Burger King and Five Guys are in the lead with 15 percent each. 10 percent of people gave the green light to Burger King's fries, some distance behind McDonald's impressive 34 percent.’ From this graph this shows that McDonald has the best burger & fries whereas, Burger King and Five Guys are also popular. Even though on the statistics showed that McDonald had the highest votes it is not the healthiest option. (McCarthy, 2014)