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Food Pack

Age 8Edinburgh, U.K.

Maker blog entries

Finlay Scott has been working on making this idea real.
All Parts
Posted by Finlay Scott

This week I have made all the parts of the Food Pack and have managed to connect all the parts. I have got a bag with a bottle to store the snacks and a tube with a pocket at the end to hold the snacks from your reward which will be on the watch.

Poster Design
Posted by Finlay Scott

Created the initial poster and got excellent feedback which I improved upon for the final poster. The poster is two children in the jungle pointing and staring at a butterfly with two bags full of snacks and treats.

Initial Design
Posted by Finlay Scott

A first full sketch of the idea. the bottle will hold the snacks and will have a mechanism that allows the user to pull a piece of string and release the snacks. The bottle leads to a tube that connects to a pocket, the watch will have challenges that can be rotated.