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Mycelia with Imogen Heap


Mycelia was founded by the amazing musician Imogen Heap and is a growing collective of creatives, professionals and lovers of music, who are working towards creating a sustainable future for music.

Imogen invited Little Inventors to join her at her recent Mycelia event and encouraged the children to come up with musical themed inventions!

Dominic and Imogen showing the best invention ideas of the day on stage

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Coming up with musical invention ideas
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Checking out previous inventions

The vocal pianist is piano that turns letters into sounds and translates sounds into letters!

The event concluded with a concert, where Imogen explained her ingenious Mi.Mu gloves, and played songs using some of her other musical inventions. Together with Chief inventor Dominic Wilcox, she showed some of the best invention ideas created by the children at the event.

Prototypes for The best musical instrument ever, The vocal pianist and The worlds most efficient microphone

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Imogen performing with her invention, the Mi.Mu gloves
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Dominic showing his wrist drum and talking about Little Inventors

We're looking forward to working with Imogen again in the future, more exciting details soon! Find out more about Imogen and Mycelia here.