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Boisbuchet Design Workshop

Lessac, France

Dominic was invited by Boisbuchet to deliver a week-long workshop with adult designers and makers from across the world in September 2017.

Dominic was invited by Boisbuchet to deliver a week long workshop with adult designers and makers from across the world in September 2017.

Taking inspiration from the inventions, ideas and drawings of local little inventors from the Pierre and Marie curie primary school in Confolens in South West France, workshop participants used their imagination to develop experiments and make objects under Dominic's guidance.

They explored the concepts from children to turn them into working prototypes, including plant tattoos and a shower lamp to make waking up speedier (if a little wetter!). At the end of the workshop the children inventors were invited to witness how their inventions inspired the makers.

Following the event, the children went on to write little texts to talk about their invention and their experience as part of their school work - all in French for those who want to practice, or are familiar with google translate!

See the Domaine de Boisbuchet website to find out more about the Boisbuchet programme.