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Little Inventors China Exhibition

Shanghai, China April 2017 - May 2017

Little Inventors took over China! Our first Little Inventors China exhibition with our partner OhMY! Design took place from Saturday 28th of April to 7th of May. Over 3000 invention drawings joined the Little Inventors family, with OhMY! Design delivering workshops in 45 locations across China since September 2016.

The exhibition showcased the 300 most original drawings and 100 made objects. Incredible! Our Chief Inventor Dominic Wilcox went over to meet more little (and not so little) inventors for a series of workshops and talks.

With over 8000 visitors, we think it's fair to say this was a resounding success!

See all the invention ideas and find out more about Little Inventors China on their website. You can use Google translate to get a (creative) version in English!