Upload ideas!

The Little Inventors Handbook is your guide to becoming an ingenious inventor. You can be the inventor of tomorrow!

Invention is all around us and everybody needs inventions. Who do you think came up with chairs, forks, shoes? Everything in the world had to be invented at some point! We're still not done coming up with items and objects that help us live better and solve our problems. This is the magic of ideas. And everybody can think up ideas!

We add extra to the ordinary at Little Inventors and we truly believe in letting your imagination go bonkers with no limits! Inspired by our toothbrush maracas and ladybird umbrellas? Using our book you can draw, write, and prototype your way to greatness.

Now it's your turn to show us what your amazing imagination can come up with!

Use our invention sheet below to draw and describe your invention idea then send it in to us.

Now let's hear from the authors Katherine and Dominic as they tell you more about the book...

How to enter!

You can submit more than one invention idea.

Submit invention ideas through our upload page.

  1. Draw your inventionon the Little Inventors Handbook invention sheet
  2. Scan or photograph the *whole* sheetas straight on as possible
  3. Upload it in JPEG, PNG or GIF format (choose a file)

Each invention idea will comprise of an image of a clear drawing, the name, age and location of the inventor, the name of the invention and a description, and a contact email address.

Examples of scanned images

Not so good